Thursday, March 30, 2006

How big is your God

Upon your walls, O my city, the Lord has set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You, who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest and give Him no rest until He establishes my city and makes it a praise in all the earth’.

What about spiritual oppression over nations?

How do we approach great battles like Apartheid, Human basic rights violation in many countries and so on? Do we just see them as political phenomenon, or are we really aware of the fact that beyond the visible is an invisible world with precise rules and structure. And that most of the mentioned above are owned by spirits?

How do we shatter the power of the spirit beyond such issues like War in Iraqi?
Through yielded rights and humble servanthood.

We can rebuke the devil all the day long and still be powerless unless we apply Faith and Obedience to a God-directed strategy

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chronicle 7:14)

All over the world, praying Christians are agreeing about the nature of the battle for individual cities. For example, the prayer warriors of London believe they are battling a spirit of unrighteous trade that has influenced the world for hundreds of years through that great city.

Today, apart from Hong Kong, Singapore, still-surviving Luxembourg and a few others, the world consists of entities we call nations, and nations often have several world – class cities within their borders. In fact a nation is a geo – political alliance among its cities. Cities are where the national myth is largely enshrined. The land between is relatively empty and serves only to sustain the life of the city. A nation is the sum of its cities

As we dream of discipline nations, we need to understand their urban makeup. The gospel must transform the spiritual, philosophical and physical life of a country’s cities. If it does anything else we have failed to win the battle.

To effectively penetrate the cities, the nation with the gospel, we must understand some truths of spiritual warfare.

* Satan’s kingdom is a limited hierarchy of evil spirits

* High ranking, supernatural personalities, referred to as principalities and powers in Ephesians 6, seek to dominate geographic area such as a city, with all its people and subcultures.

* We as believers are taught by God’s Word to treat such beings with respect, but ‘to take captivity captive’ – to tear down the rule and authority of evil one

* God’s power is strategically applied by discernment of the unseen realm.

* We must overcome the enemy before employing other methods of ministry among men and women.

In a given battle for a person, a family, a church or a city, discerning the nature of the enemy’s lie is half the battle. Only after his deception is exposed can we exercise the authority of the Scripture to thwart his schemes. Jesus resisted the devil this way during his time of temptation in the wilderness.

Whole countries are kept in darkness by satanic lies that have become cornerstones of a particular culture.

Isaiah 60 says that the people of the earth sit in gross darkness. Can you imagine walking into a darkened room filled with people who have spent their entire lives sitting there watching the TV images flickering in front of them, thinking that is all there is to reality ? Imagine flipping the light switch on and asking everyone to examine the mundane equipment responsible for the illusion. Satan is a projectionist, an illusionist, a deceiver, the father of lies. The Bible says that one day we will look upon him in amazement saying, ‘Is this the one that made the nations tremble ?’(Isaiah 14:16). He will be seen in reality as being small and impotent.

How can you contribute to victory in the battle for your city or nation ? Begin by identifying the spiritual opposition and its unique manifestations

1. Look at your city’s secular history. Ask yourself the question why is your city here? Is it just the project of geography and commerce or does God have a redemptive purpose in mind ? Jonas was surprised at the way God looked at Nineveh. You too, may be surprised when you discover what is oppressing people today. Psalm 115:16 says, ‘The heaven belongs to the Lord, but he has given the earth to all mankind.’ In other Words, this is our planet and the only authority that Satan has stolen is man’s authority. He initialy gain this authority when at some point in history, human beings believe his lies and are seduced into allegiance to his plan.

2. Look at your city’s Christian history. Research the life of God’s people in your city, particularly during time of revival. During time of revival the supernatural realm is seen with great clarity, and often records are kept which contain important insights. Ours is a covenant- keeping God keeping God, and you may be amazed at the promises received by past generations – your spiritual forefathers engaged in the same battle. It is an important spiritual principle of humility to acknowledge and honour those who have gone before. It also inspires our faith. Because of God’s covenant with David, Josiah’s generation lived in a time of revival rather than judgment.

3. Identify your city prophets, intercessors and spiritual elders. In every city there is what I call a hidden eldership – a group of saints that you will not find listed in any book. It consists of God’s circle of mature believers who ‘stand in the gap’ until victory comes. Isaiah 62:6 says ‘Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You, who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest and give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise in all the earth’. Some of these watchmen are obvious such as veteran pastors. Other may be intercessors in obscurity or prophetic people with a premonition. If there is a common theme among those who are sensitive to the Spirit’s guidance, you’re on to something. God always confirm a strategy through several witnesses, and this is particularly important when dealing with demonic forces.

4. Study your city demographics. It is amazing to me how ignorant we often are of the basic realities around us. Where do the people live? How many are in poverty? Why are they in poverty? Are there subcultures, ethnic groups, changes in the economy, an aging population – what’s really going on? Spiritual warfare doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Jeremiah 29:7 says ‘Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.’ This is an exhortation to Jews in Babylon who, like some modern believers, had a tendency to dream of a distant Jerusalem instead of recognizing the task at hand, Instead of seeing the spiritual Jerusalem of all those of the cities of this nation God wants to set free. Couldn’t these words apply to Casablanca, Marrakech, Tangier, Fes, Mohamedia, Tetouan, Essaouira, Kenitra, … where there are so many human which can’t distinguish their right hand from the left one and a lot of animals ? Be grateful for your city. Study its potential, and you will receive the insight you need. ‘Upon your walls, O Casablanca, the Lord has set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You, who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest and give Him no rest until He establishes Casablanca and makes it a praise in all the earth’.

Once we know what we are up against what should we do?

1. Begin with worship. Everything born of God goes through a very natural process. Worship is like an act of love that is followed by conception, gestation, travail and birth. So always begin with worship. So always begin with worship. It is in the place of thanksgiving and praise that God conceives within us his mind and heart for our city.

2. Wait on the Lord for insight. Don’t rely on finite reasoning or human cunning; what worked at Jericho didn’t work at Ai. Learn to listen to God with child-like dependency, and he will guide you into victory. The scripture are full of exhortations about waiting on God. Psalm 40:1 says, ‘I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined unto me and heard my cry.’ We are promised that God will speak if we seek him. ‘My sheep hear my voice and they follow me’ (John 10:27).

3. Identify with those you want to reach. When Nehemiah prayed for the restoration of Jerusalem, he didn’t pray for the city as though he were not a part of it. He said, ‘I and this people have sinned’ (Neh 1:6). Ezra went even further when he said, ‘O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift up my face to thee, my God, for our iniquities have risen above our heads, and our guilt has grown even to the heavens’ (Ezra 9:6). Both were righteous men. You too, may e a righteous man who is not involved with our city vices. But we can all identify with the root of any given sin. Take for example the shedding of innocent blood in the act of abortion. You may never have participated in an abortion, but all of us have been guilty of the root sins – lust, the love of comfort, the love of money, rejection, unbelief. These common struggle can help us identify honestly with the sins of our city when we ask for God’s mercy.

4. Minister in the opposite spirit. Is the enemy tempting you to be stingy or greedy? Come against it with exuberant generosity. Overcome pride with humility, lust with purity, fear with faith. Paul said ‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me’ (Phil 4:13)

Travail in prayer until God’s purposes are birthed. That which is conceived by God eventually comes to birth. Just as the contractions of the uterus herald the beginning of labor, there are times when our souls are stirred by God’s Spirit to seasons of intense prayers. Anyone who earnestly seeks God experiences such travail, but when the united Christians of a city are at this stage, it signals impending revival.

How do you perceive God? How big is He? The size of your God is revealed by your plans and expectations. His objectives are plain enough. Envision this, for example: God’s heart for the city becomes your heart. You and your team-mates begin a city prayer movement. There is a revival in the local churches, followed by an awakening among non-Christians, reformation of society (change in laws and times), and new expression of world mission. Is your God big enough for that? He waits for people who will see him as he is and then follow him to victory.
I seek among them a man who bricks up a wall, which is held with the breach in front of me in favour of the country, so that I do not destroy it; but I do not find any. (Ezekiel 22:30)

Is my God big enough in my eyes so that I could answer to him? And say ‘Here I am Lord, send me’.

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Who will I send, and who will walk for us? I answered: Here I am, send me. (Esaie 6:8)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Behind the visible

The visible and the invisible

Behind many visible aspects of the world around us may be spiritual forces, invisible areas of reality that may have more ultimate significance than the visible.

2 Cor 4:18

We do not look at things which are seen but at things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

The gospel is also veiled…to those who are perishing
Because the god of this age has blinded their minds

According to Paul’s message the essential battle for world evangelization is a spiritual battle and that the weapons of this battle are not carnal but spiritual.

But maybe the point many will not agree with is that God has given us a mandate for intelligent, aggressive, spiritual warfare.

Understanding this well can lead us to raise more prayers for the advancing of the kingdom of God

Understanding the difference between the visible and the invisible is one of the overall battle plan to break the hold the enemy has on lost and perishing soul.

Igniting the wrath of God

The key biblical passage on distinguishing the visible from the invisible is Roman 1. Just a few books talk about the wrath of God, nevertheless wrath is an attribute of God. This means it is not just some mood that comes and goes, but a part of the very nature of God. God is a God of wrath. But he is also a God of Justice, a God of Love, a God of mercy and a God of holiness.

Romans 1:18

The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness

This maddening unrighteousness has directly to do with the visible and the invisible. Let me explain.

God created the world in order to manifest His glory. Through the things that are made or the visible aspect of the creation, God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen.

Everything we see in God’s creation, without exception, was originally created to reveal “His Eternal Power and Godhead” (Romans 1:19-20)

This means of course that every human being was created to glorify God. As we are the only ones who were created in the image of God, humans occupy a higher level than other objects of creation.

So was angelic being, animals, plants, heavenly bodies, mountains, icebergs, volcanoes and uranium and also human culture.

Corrupting God’s creation

An important part of creation has choosen not to glorify God, and this is a serious problem. Certain human beings have taken created things and corrupted them so that they no longer revealed the glory of God. They have changed God’s glory into an image made like corruptible man – and birds and four – footed beasts and creeping things. (Rom 1:23)

Gos is very infuriated when he sees what was designed for His glory being switched to specifically, humans, birds, animals and reptiles.

When such visible objects are intentionally crafted to represent supernatural powers, they released the wrath of God.

When attempting to trace the references to the wrath of God through the Bible it becomes clear that nothing comes even close to upsetting God as much as serving the creature than the Creator (Rom 1:25). God especially hates it when human beings use visible to glorify Satan and other evil demonic beings

Horrible things reported in Jeremiah 1-19
Saying to a tree: you are my father and to a stone you give birth to me (jer 2:27)

It was some adultery to the eyes of God: “You have played the harlot with many lovers” (Jer 3:1).

He said Israel defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees (Jer 3:9)

All the Ten Commandments are very important but they come after first and second commandments. The first commandment has to do with the invisible and the second has to do with the visible.

You shall have no other god before Me
You shall not make for yourself any carved image

According to this we can say that no sin is worse than using the visible to give honor and glory to demonic principalities. Nothing so provokes God to jealousy and wrath.

Illustrations of things that could be very worse sins

Japan and the rising sun
Many people in Hawaii focused on lava rocks especially those from Kilua volcanoe (Glory to pele instead of glorifying God)
The Grand canyon
…Egyptian spirits, tower of Ra,Cheops pyramids, Osiris temple, hindu principalities, Vishnu greek, Rama shrine and many many others and all this according to Roman 1 is still raising the wrath of God.

Affirming culture

It is become fashionable today to reaffirm culture and to advocate a multicultural society. Christians should not be blindsided by this.

We have to expose it to the light of visible and invisible

Behind cultural forms just as behind lava rock in Hawaii, can lie the invisible Power of the Creator or invisible demonic power. If we are ignorant to this we can make ourselves unnecessarily vulnerable to devastating waves of high – level demonization.

Culture is a part of God’s creation, so it is good in itself.
è One of the visible elements designed to glorify God
è Very very important point !!!!!

The tower of Babel

Cultural origins are revealed in Genesis. There was a time according to genesis 11 when the human race was all one culture. Presumabily, however, God’s original purpose was to have the human race scattered over the earth and develop into diverse cultures.

But the people, true to their fallen nature, though they had a better plan than God. So they decided to reverse the scattering process by consolidating around a tower, the Tower of Babel. “Lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Gen 11:4)

The tower was visible structure. What was invisible then? Archeologist tell us it was a ziggurat, a well known ancient structure designed for occult purposes. They wanted a tower “whose top is in the heavens” in order to draw on satanic power for their desired one world movement. They used the visible to glorify the creature rather than the Creator.

God’s reaction was predictable. He became angry. In one stroke he ruined their plans by confounding their languages, and they proceed to scatter as God intended. The human race ended up, “separated into their lands, according to their families, into their nations” (Gen 10:5)

A little bit about spiritual warfare

God’s kingdom implies tribulations

We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God
Acts 14:22
2 Tim 3:1-5

All who desires to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecutions
(2 Tim 3:10-12)

While Satan was reigning on the earth as the god of this age, Jesus came and invaded his Kingdom with the kingdom of God. Satan power was broken through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Since this invasion, violence has erupted both in the heavenlies and hear on the earth. That’s why Jesus said “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force” (Matt 11:12).

Jesus changed the picture

When Jesus invaded Satan’s kingdom the long period of time covered by the Old Testament changed. Jesus brought a new covenant.

When ?
On the cross

Col 1:13
.the Father has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the son of His love

We have redemption through his blood (Col 1:14)

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it (Col 2:10)

Jesus temptation was a high level power encounter which Satan conclusively lost

Four key dimensions to spiritual warfare

In approaching spiritual warfare wisely, there are four dimensions which must be carefully considered:

1) Our weapons of warfare;
2) Our spiritual authority
3) Our engagement with the enemy
4) Our plan of action

Our weapons of warfare: the most difficult lesson to learn

Peter Wagner has found by personal experience that one of the most difficult lesson to learn for the average Christian is that our weapons for spiritual warfare are spiritual weapons.
It sounds simple in theory but realy difficult in practice because even those who are biblical Christians still live much too much of our lives in the flesh.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds (2 Cor 10:3-4)

We are so used to trying to solve social and economic problems through politics, or legal problems through the courts or personnal disagreements through arguing about them, or international relationships through war, that to hear that God has a higher and more effective way through spiritual weapons is regarded as wishful thinking, even by many born – again chrisitians

Monday, March 13, 2006

Stand against the oppressors of influent church men

I was thinking about the powerfull men of God but it leads me also to think about how much some supposed to be men of God use their influence in the church to gain a good position, some special priviledges, some goods or even to catch a woman in their web.

In 1 Chronicles 13: 10 It is said that the anger of the Lord burst againts Uzza and God hit him because he extended his hand to the Ark. Uzza dead there before God.

I don't really know who was Uzza, but he certainly knew the rules for serving before the Ark of the Almighty God: so why did he acted like he did ? Maybe just a reflex, or may be was he looking for a way to personnaly glorify himself as the one who rescued the Ark ? After such an act would'nt had he became a hero ?

In number we see a son of Levi Kore and Dathan and Abiram that get rebelled against Moses with two hundread fifty men saying "Why do you put yourself higher than the assembly of God?"...... (Number 16:1-40).. But in verses 9-10 Moses explained the real reason why the guys performed such a rebellion. It was envy and jealousy and because the were searching to gain the sacerdotal position, they were not contended in the position God gave them.
But God had burried them all publicly, and I can say God has judged them publicly. And their sins were revealed to the whole community: they entered alive in the place of the deads (Number 16:33): it was such an amezing and terrible judgment that all the community was afraid.

It is somewhere similar to what happened to Moses brother Aaron and Marie when they talked against Moses regarding to the ethiopian wife he took and they just said "Is it only by Moses that Go speaks doesn't he speak also by us". And God heard it. But Mose was someone very very humble. (Number 12:1-15). And this time again God judgment came upon Aaron and Mary and it was just like God as a father split on Mary and she was impure for seven days (verse 14)

What was the problem with Aaron and Mary ? They tried to use their influence in the community to take Moses position. They just tried to take advantage of this fact of "Moses takin the ethiopian wife" to accuse him of sinning and use It as an evidence of the fact that the spirit of prophecy has left him and come upon them.But all this was not God will and they got the judgment of God upon them.

The last example I looked at in Bible is in 1 Samuel were we see the two sons of Elijah, the tutor of Samuel, acting in such a bad way that irritates God. 1 Samuel 2: 17 Said that: those young men were making themselves guilty about a very great sin before God because they were not considering the offers to God. and verse 22 says When Elijah was old he heard how his children were acting before all Israel, and he learnt also that they were sexualy involved with the girls that gathered at the entry of the assignation place.

God send a prophet to rebuke Elijah because of the sins of his children and to prophesy their death, and of course that's what happened.

Why Am I talking about all this ? Because theses kind of abuses take place every time and every where in churches, in particular in our african countries.

Because of our culture a man of God is always seen as a powerfull and spiritually protected servior of the lord. In our culture we easily assume that spiritual things preceed material ones and we know that the strongest man is not the one very strong physically but the fight is won spiritually. So people just let themselves be deceived and used by those kind of men of God, and in Africa it is not rare to hear that a pastor or his right hand man has commited such faults.

Moreover when it is not about trying to get more important position, in the church or in a financial institution, or any kind of powerfull stuff, it deals also with social matters like mariage: because people are afraid to resist to the influence of a pastor or his right hand man, thinking that if they do it, they would not be well considered in the church, may be they will be excommuniated or so....

But in general those persons are not deeply involved in reading the Bible and living trought the word that's why they are easily deceived. And this fact doesn't mean they are not good christians: they can be good christians in the fact that they really believe in the power of cross, but as the child can recognize his mother and goes only to her so as can they know that jesus is the true God without knowing how to follow him. I don't know if this kind of situation is frequent in Occidental countries but in West Africa it is very common.

My concern is how is God seeing those kind of christian influent personnalities that used their influence in such bad ways ?

According to the word of God their is a judgment coming upon them, in spite of the fact that church or the people around see them as good guys, God is the one who really know evrything and weight the spirit of every man. Only he can really judge the deeper nature of a man. Every man can wear a mask for his public life.

In fact I really believe that this is an important issue to the eyes of God,as in Ezechiel 8, God shows to the prohets all the horrible hidden practices made by 70 ancients of Israel and between them there were some very well known ancients.

God shows the prophet how much the true things were far away from the facts he considered as true everyday.

So I would like you brother, if it doesn't disturb you to pray a little prayer before God, asking him to change the hearts of such christians which generaly are basicaly good christians but have catched themselves in a lying system with some false appearance, always trying to look good to the eyes of the men, but seem to be unconscious of the fact that the only judgment which is important is the one of God.

It's like they become very proud and see it as a personnal defeat to recognize they were wrong in one area or another, like what we are doing here on earth is most important thant standing before the Eternal glorious face of the Lord.

Thank you for praying God to send his holy spirit again in their lives so that he will convince them about rightousness, truth and judgment.

Thank you for praying God to change their hearts so that they become humble before him: not to the eyes of a man. And so that their adoration to the Lord be done in Spirit and truth.


Break them all - Cause your Lord has overcome them all

  • The church is presently faced with two substantial external challenges to its continued expansion: “demonic entrenchment” and “the lateness of the hour”

    Demonic entrenchment

    - Found in Egypt by Hebrews
    - Found in Babylon
    - Found in Ephesus by Paul

    In some places of earth demonic pacts have been serviced continually since post- diluvian time and spiritual light is nearly imperceptible

    The lateness of the hour (from a human time perspective)

    Rev 12:2

    The devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time

    If we are to successfully overcome the works of the enemy, “We must learn to see the world as it really is, not as it appears to be”.

    Therefore we must superimpose our understanding of forces and events in the spiritual domain onto places and circumstances in the material world

    Those who practice spiritual mapping already possess a keen understanding of the spiritual domain

    Spiritual mapping is a means whereby we can see what is beneath the surface of the material world; but it is not magic.

    Today spiritual battlefield

    The church of Jesus Christ must not shrink back from taking a long, hard look at the spiritual obstacles that stand between it and fulfillement of the great commission.

    It has become obvious that something is out there, and this something is manifesting itself in our material world.

    * Spiritual darkness is increasing and is becoming more sophisticated
    * There is a geographical pattern to evil and spiritual oppression
    * They do not understand the spiritual dimension as well as they thought.

    Territorial strongholds

    The Bible touches on the subject of spiritual territoriality in both testaments. The most cited instance is the prince of Persia in Daniel 10. (see also Ezekiel 28:12-19; Deuteronomy 32:8, Ephesians 6:12)


    - Are some areas more oppressive ?
    - More idolatrous ?
    - More spiritually barrens than others ?
    - Why does darkness seem to linger where it does ?
    - For instance has Mesopotamia put out such a long string of tyrannical rulers ?
    - Is the nation of Haiti the premier social and economic eyesore in the western hemisphere ?
    - Do the andean nations of South America always seem to rank near the top of the world’s annual per capita homicide statistics ?
    - Is there so much overt demonic activity in and around the himalayan mountains ?
    - Has Japan been such a hard nut to crack with the gospel ?
    - Does the continent of Asia so dominate the 10/40 window ?

    There is in fact a great research challenge

    It is helpful to think of this process in terms of the medical researcher who has just identified a certain virus as the causative agent behind a particular disease. He or she has made an important discovery, but much hard work is ahead if this knowledge has to be translated into practical help for those who are suffering from, or endeavoring to treat, the ailment in question

    Acknowledging the role of spiritual territoriality, therefore, is only the departure point for any quest to understand the whys and wherefores of the modern spiritual battlefield. For example :

    - How are spiritual strongholds established ?
    - How are they maintened over the time ?
    - How are they reproduced in other areas ?

    Two universal characteristics of spiritual strongholds

    - They repel light
    - They export darkness

    Teritorial strongholds are inherently defensive and offensive in nature: while their dark ramparts ward off divine arrows of truth, demonic archers are busy launching fiery darts in the direction of unprotected targets abroad. While their spiritual prison camps retain thousands of enchanted captives, evil command and control centers are releasing manifold deceptions through the spiritual hosts of wickedness in their employ.

    How are territorial strongholds established

    If we are to understand why things are the way they are today we must first examine what happened yesterday. Concluding that territorial strongholds exist is not enough, we must also solve the riddle of their origin. Where did they come from ? How where they established ?

    Babel : the obvious starting point

    Genesis 11 informs us it was from the plain of Shinear in ancient Mesopotamia and Zachary 5:5-11 teaches us about the woman sitted down in the epha. Thiw woman was the iniquity and it is said in Zachary 5:11 she will be built a house in the country of Shinear.

    Zachary 5:5-11

    5 Then the angel who was speaking to me came forward and said to me, “Look up and see what this is that is appearing.”

    6 I ask, “What is it?”
    He replied, “It is a measuring basket.” And he added, “This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land.”

    7. The the cover of lead was raised, and there in the baskek sat a woman!

    8 “This is wickedness,” and he pushed her back into the bsket and pushed the lead cover down over its mouth.

    9 Then I looked up – and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings ! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth.

    10 “Where are they taking the basket ?” I asked the angel who was speaking to me.

    11 He replied, “To the country of Babylonia to build a house for it. When it is ready, the basket will be set there in its place”

    This is the the text from my Thompson chain – reference Bible it says Babylonia instead of Shinear, but in my french scofield Bible version Louis Segond it is said at verse 11

    11 Il me repondit: elle vont lui batir une maison dans le pays de Schinear; et quand elle sera prete {la maison} il {l’epha = basket} sera depose la dans son lieu.

    There in Shinear, The coherent people were dispersed by God into the four corners of the earth.

    - But what happened to this ancient people as they migrate from Babel ?
    - Do ancient artifacts and oral traditions offer us any clues ?
    o And if so, will these clues have any relevance to our quest to understand the origin of
    territorial strongholds ?

    But we should remember the fact that demons are found wherever there are people and that they have no reason to be anywhere else. There is no evidence in scripture that they are interested in inanimate or nonmoral creation such as mountains, rivers, trees, caves, stars and animals, unless and until people are there. Their bitter mandate is to steal, kill and destroy that which is precious to God; and clearly human beings created in the divine image are at the top of heaven’s list of valuables.

    This is the underlying explanation for the darkness that seems to engulf so many of the world’s cities. Wherever people congragate in force, demons will be attracted to the scent. Was this not why Babel prompted such swift intervention by God ? Is it hard to imagine that he unique concentration of humanity in Shinear would have precipitated the most profound ingathering of demonic powers in history ?

    We don’t know much about the original movements of the first people groups out from Mesopotamia, what it seems that these movements were made with at least one experimental common denominator : traumas (inability to traverse forbidding mountain ramparts that blocked their paths, sudain lack of sustenance brought about by severe climatic conditions, mortal combat,…)

    These traumas bring people face to face with their desperation. How would they resolve their challenge ? Each case was loaded with moral implications. Each circumstance was an opportunity for a specific people in a specific place to return to God in repentance, thereby establishing Him as their rightful ruler and sole deliver, but unfortunately the sackcloth prostrations of Nineveth have proven to be a rare exception to the rule. The overwhelming majority of people down through history have elected to exchange the revelation of God for a lie.

    Heeding the entreaties of demons, they have choosen in their desparation to enter into quid pro quo pacts with the spirit world. In return for a particular deity’s consent to reslve their immediate traumas, they have offered up their singular and ongoing allegiance. They have collectively sold their proverbial souls

    It is through the placement of these ancient welcome mats, then that demonic territorial strongholds are established. The basis of the transaction is entirely moral.People make a conscious choice to suppress truth and believe a falsehood . In the end they are deceived because they choosed to be.

    (Roman 1:18-25)

    18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

    19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

    20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, beeing understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

    21 For altough they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their fulish hearts were darkened.

    22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

    23 and exchange the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

    25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is foever praised. Amen

    Because many of the oldest pacts between people and demonic powers were transacted in Asia, and Asia now hosts the planet’s greatest population centers, it should not surprise us that the continent presently dominates the great unreached frontier known as the 10/40 window. Population and pact lognevity both have a great deal to do with the territorial entrenchment of spiritual darkness.


    There are many territorial strongholds in this country. I just don’t know right know all of them and the hierarchy between them but those of Ishamel are there also. Their demonic power may be upon Rachid and some other men that commited their lives to them. We should ask God to unveil these men identities and their wickedness acts and also the strongmem who are ruling them so that we can take authority against them and get them bound and layed down to the feet of the Lord, having in the same time their victims blessed in the name of Jesus and set free

    Jeremy 33:3

    3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

    3 Invoque moi et je te répondrai, je t’annoncerai de grandes choses, des choses cachées que tu ne connais pas

    Genesis 16: 1-16

    This scriptures tell us how Sarai, Abram’s wife acted when she saw that she could not give birth: she asked Abram to sleep with her maidservant so that she could build a family through her”.

    Surely Sarai was thinking of doing good but shed did something very wrong. It reminds me also of Uza.

    In 1 Chronicles 13: 10 It is said that the anger of the Lord burst againts Uzza and God hit him because he extended his hand to the Ark. Uzza dead there before God.

    I don't really know who was Uzza, but he certainly knew the rules for serving before the Ark of the Almighty God: so why did he acted like he did ? Maybe just a reflex, or may be was he looking for a way to personnaly glorify himself as the one who rescued the Ark ? After such an act would'nt had he became a hero ?

    So Sarai did wrong things while trying may be to made the promess of God realised. And the drawbacks of her acts are still visible in this world. The spiritual strongman who is ruling Ishamael is, from my point of view one of the most influent over mankind.

    Genesis 16: 11-12

    11 The angel of the LORD also said to her:

    “You are now with child and you will have a son.
    You shall name him Ishmael,
    For the LORD has heard of your misery.

    12 He will be a wide donkey of a man;
    his hand will be against everyone
    and everyone’s hand against him,
    and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers

    How are territorial strongholds maintained ? What sustains thems ?

    - If the misplaced choices or acts of earlier generations allowed demonic forces into certain neighborhoods, how do these evil powers maintain their tenancy rights across centuries or millenia ?
    - How do they manage lease extensions once those people who signed the original paperwork have passed on ?

    The authority transfer

    - During religious festival
    - Ceremonials
    - Pelgrimages

    See the book The twilight labyrinth

    The release of these spiritual powers during such manifestations is accompanied with :

    A heightned sense of oppression
    Increased incidentsof persecution
    Wholesale manifestations of demonic signs and wonders

    Notice that religious festivals, ceremonials and pelgrimages are taking place somewhere in the world every week of the year ( Halloween, Islamic Hajj, Kumba Melha in India, Inti Raymi in Peru, summer Bon celebration in Japan, Foley Fori in Niger, many religious festivals with no biblical fundations in roman catholicism) and they attract huge numbers of participants as well

    Dusting off ancient welcome matts

    In spite of the fact that these ceremonies seems to be just benign, qaint and colorful cultural spectacles they are really (beyond the visible aspect of things) some conscious transactions with the spirit world. They are opportunities for contemporary generations to reaffirm the choices and pacts made by their forefathers and ancestors. They are occasions to dust off ancient welcome mats and extend the devil’s right to rule over specific peoples and places today. The significance of these events should not be underestimated.

    Once a people have given in to vain imaginations, demonic powers are quick to animate resulting mythologies. In a manner reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz, manipulating spiritual agents practice the art of shadow – ruling from behind the scenes.

    The authority and allegiance rendered to so-called protective deities is quickly absorbed – and from that moment on, the lie is enchanted.

    Traditions and the enchanted system

    Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of children are born into these enchanted systems around the world, and the majority of them has no one to lead them on the right way, to open their eyes so that they could see the Light of The Lord. Nearly all of them grow up hearing about the lie, but it is during the course of puberty rites and initiations that many of them feel its intense gravitational suction for the first time. The power of the lie, fueled by demonic magic, is called tradition; and it is tradition, in turn who sustains territorial dynasties.

    Other means used to keep the enchamtment

    Tradition is not the only means the enemy uses to maintain territorial dynasties. Of course tradition is a very important mean, but there is another strategy as important as tradition which is called “adaptive deception”

    The enemy use adaptive deception when tradition for whatever reason begins to lose its potency in a given society.

    Adaptive deceptions are, depending on how one chooses to view them, either necessary course corrections, or upgrades to the devil’s “product line.” They work because of humankind’s propensity to try new things


    Examples of adaptive deception

    Folk Islam
    A combination of animist and islamic beliefs
    Japanese new religions
    Curious synthesis of budhism and materialistic concepts

    In terms of number of adherents and practicioners, both are hugely successful

    Adaptive deception do not replace preexisting ideological bondages, they augment them. In this sense, they are analogous on a collective level to the biblical account of the demon that returns to the undefended human vessel with seven other spirits more wicked than itself (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26)

    Prevailing bondages and root bondages

    Now that we are armed with an understanding of the roles that adaptive deception, traditions and religious festivals play in maintaining territorial dynasties, we must learn one final lesson.

    It has to do with descerning the the difference between “prevailing bondage” and “root bondage”

    Due to the lack of teaching on this subject, Christian warriors are often misled by surface appearances when they endeavor to identify territorial strongholds

    An example

    A few years ago a large number of people insisted that the spiritual stronghold over Albania was Stalinist communism, it was no doubt that it was the prevailing bondage at that time but maybe not the root bondage if we consider the fact that communist did not become the predominant ideology in the country until 1944.

    The expansion of the darkness

    - How can we understand the territorial expansion of the kingdome of darkness ?
    - Is this kingdome geographycaly dynamic ?
    - If so, how are the characteristics of certain strongholds reproduced in other areas ?

    The Banyan way

    Starting from a massive trunk, the banyan’s sinuous branches extend laterally in all directions. From these, in what is surely, the tree’s most remarkable feature, aerial roots descend to the ground to form new trunk. In this fashion the banyan can more laterally over great distances – creating as it does, an often impenetrable thicket of twisting, vine-like branches and trunks.

    These extending branches and descending roots represent the two ways territorial expansion takes place: “ideological export” and “trauma-induced strongholds”.

    Ideological export

    Ideological export is a latteral extension of territorial strongholds and it is accomplished through the broadcast of ideological or spiritual influence from transmission sites, or export centers, in various areas of the world

    - Cairo
    - Tripoli
    - Karbala
    - Qom and Meca (muslim world)
    - Allahabad and Varanasi (hindu world)
    - Dharamsala and Tokyo (budhist world)
    - Amsterdam, New York, Paris and Hollywood (materialistic world)

    Trauma – induced strongholds

    Having learned from past experience how effectively desperate circumstances can draw men and women into his web, the enemy will often use the greed, lust and dishonesty of depraved individuals to create fresh crises.


    In Haiti, taking advantage of the greed of Efik tribesmen and french slave traders, huge number of West Africans were brought to the Caribbean and mistreated to the point of desperation. Choosing to resolve their conflict by entering into fresh pacts with the spirit world, these slaves established an animist-based system of worship and secret rule known as voudon. Today the dark reward of this system are widely known.

    The Threshold generation

    As the armies of the Lord Jesus Christ begin to collapse the remaining task of world evangelization on the 10/40 window, it is curious that the geographic centerpoint of this region should be the site of ancient Eden (i.e in the area of Iraq, also see Gen 2:8-14). Could it be that it is God’s plan for his church to complete the great commission on the very selfsame soil where the original commandment was delivered to earth’s first family (Genesis 1:27-28)

    Whatever the answer is it is clear that Christian warriors who dare to march this final road will face formidable opposition from an implacable and invisible adversary. If their mission to liberate enchanted prisoners is to succeed, they will require accurate intelligence of the enemy command and control centers, and the spiritual equivalent of the military’s night vision goggles The hope is that the readers who are contemplating imminent rescue missions be aware of the fact that new tools are becoming available to guide them through the twist and turns of the twilight labyrinth.

    Reflection questions

    - Do we agree with the fact that The Kingdome of Satan may be well organized with evil principalities assigned to different geographic regions ?

    - In which ways can we apply the concept of “spiritual territoriality” to the country we are living in ?

    - What are the spiritual strongholds of our city ? Can we try to draw a spiritual mapping of the country, with detailed mapping for the big cities.

    - In Ezechiel 28, we see Satan personnalised by the King of Tyre and the same in Esai 14:9-17. Moreover the book of Daniel unveil the fact that Nebuchadnetsar was the Gold head of a spiritual complex empire. In fact Nebuchadnetsar was certainly ruled by a very powerful darkness entity, and I do believe it was Satan itself. On the same pattern do we know something about the history of this country which can lead us to unveil the demonic powers which were ruling the influent men of the country ?

    - Religious festival, ceremonials and peligrimage can reinforce the authority of evil powers over an area. Name and discuss as many of these festivals as you can think of. Are they taking place here ?

    - Demonic strongholds over a city or nation can be induced by traumas. Can you think of any such traumas in the history of your city or nation that might have produced strongholds ? Check through the history of the country and see.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Stay protected

If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him

Proverbs 26:27.